The Portraits and Paintings of John Earl Entrekin Skip to main content
The Artwork of John Entrekin
Favorite Pastime

SOLD This is an oil painting on canvas, 20 x 24 inches. The story behind this one is a little strange. The lady in the painting was first a student, then a model, then more. While in my studio she commented on all the books I had. The studio I had then was also my library or sorts. She asked if I actually had read them. I said I did and did she like to read. She said she wish she had learned to do more because around her friends who were more educated she felt stupid. She explained she had started modeling in high school, so just never got much of an education. I got her started reading with some of the easier classics. That went with time and she enjoyed discussing them. 

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The portraits, paintings, prints and art classes of John Entrekin

John Earl Entrekin

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