John's Blog
Tuesday, July 05 2016
The painting "Venus of the Pickup" was created from an observation I made some time back. The observation was of different types of women. Perhaps you will agree or disagree but this is my take on what I think is interesting. There are many women, living mostly in suburbia, who spend hours a week as well as a good deal of money on gyms and diets. Checking scales and dress sizes weekly. All this to maintain a good figure so they can be a trophy for and attractive to their "workaholic" husbands. They enjoy good food but limit themselves to salads and diet drinks. They drink white wine or light beer. They like the man in their lives to wear slacks and either a dress shirt or pull over golf shirt and to drive some sort of luxury sedan. Then there are the others who have a figure any woman would kill for but don't do anything but drink any beer they wish, smoke menthol cigarettes and like to eat fast food at least once a day or corn dogs at Sonic. They never worry about weight and feel best in tight jeans, tee shirt and boots. As for the men in their lives they prefer one who drives a pick up truck, also wears tight jeans with probably work boots and at times a nail belt. Thinking of this caused the birth of "Venus of the Pickup." Here is a beautiful slender nude woman in the back of a pick up truck. She is in an almost classic pose. This brings up the background. The background for this painting. Is from two different paintings by Francois Boucher done around 1749. He was a French Rococo painter and a sort of court painter for King Louis XV and Marquise de Pompadour. I felt this was fitting since he painted voluptuous nudes then in setting of the time and this was one or our times. The final note on this was while it was hanging in a gallery a doctor saw it and almost immediately saw the connection to the license plate of FB-1749, a reference as a tribute to Francois Boucher. He bought it on the spot! It is 24 x 18 inches and now hangs in his art collection. To view other paintings that are still for sale please visit the "Paintings For Sale" page or to by prints visit the "Prints For Sale" page. Comments: