John's Blog
Saturday, April 03 2010
Swirling Dancer is 20 x 16 inches on 100% rag illustration board. It is the first in what I hope to be a series of paintings done with a combination of oil pastels and various mediums. This one is done with the figure as a sort of "pin up" or "cheesecake" with the background done in watercolor in a simple festive look. What I like about the oil pastels, (which I have always avoided but for some reason just came to mind one day) is the speed I can work with the sketches and model. I can also be more creative with the colors than I might be with my traditional oils. I feel the speed of execution will give the work a fresher feeling. I will double mat this and frame it under glass as a pastel or watercolor. I will also make it available in prints. Please use the comments area to let me know your thougths. Comments: